Limited-Time eBook Sale!

The world’s two most controversial leaders attempt to solve all of the world’s most pressing problems.


Imagine Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin holding a series of top-secret meetings, absent of cumbersome staff, unqualified translators, superfluous press conferences, and the FBI and KGB.

Imagine the men sharing a Papa John’s pepperoni pizza with extra cheese as they negotiate nuclear arms reductions on Putin’s presidential plane, idling on an isolated Alaskan runway.

Imagine a JELL-O factory production floor in Indianapolis where Trump guarantees Putin’s legacy if Russia transitions from state-dominated economic socialism to American free-market capitalism. 

Imagine 10 more witty, wacky, curiously candid conversations that include NATO encroachment in Trump’s opulent New York apartment and resolving the crisis in Ukraine at the bomb-ridden Donetsk International Airport.

DATE: Feb.25.2019 | CATEGORY: Humor/Wit