American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation Endorses Project Zebra
From the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation
M.G.Crisci has successfully highlighted a little known but vital episode in World War II history–how the spirit of cooperation allowed Soviet soldiers to train under American guidance in North Carolina. Despite political and linguistic differences, the Soviet soldiers and their American trainers were able to form friendships not only through their joint struggle against the Nazis, but also by having fun together–where it be playing chess, skinny-dipping in Atlantic , or watching musicals starring Bette Grable and Lana Turner. The book also delves into biographies of the bicultural American officers without whom it would be difficult to imagine how such an ambition project could have come to fruition. Lieutenants Gregory Gagarin and Stanley Chernack. The American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation salutes Mr. Crisci for bringing this important episode in the history of US-Russian cooperation to the public’s eye.
Alexander P. Potemkin
Executive Direct
American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation
Read Endorsement
DATE: Nov.06.2017 | CATEGORY: | COMMENTS: 0