Summit #5:
Donny and Vladdy discuss freedom of the press.
Vladdy proudly invites Donny to visit Russia Today’s news headquarters in the heart of Moscow’s financial district.
Both men realize they love the use of technology to broadcast “honest news” instead of fake news. They also try to convince each other they are strong advocates of Freedom of the Press, although Donny mentions Russia ranks 148th in the world in such matters.
Before long, the conversation turns confrontational. Both men are confident they have made their points as the meeting ends. The men leave in Putin’s bulletproof limousine surrounded by Russian and American Secret Service agents.
Fortunately, because of our numerous Russian-American cross-cultural initiatives during the past decade, our sources have provided exclusive access to the unredacted transcripts of the newsroom as well as a Kremlin-approved illustration that captures the spirit of their discussion about Freedom of the Press.
So, if you pride yourself on knowing the real facts behind today’s headlines, you might want to pick up a copy of DONNY AND VLADDY. Politically Incorrect, Curiously Candid Conversation Between the World’s Two Most Controversial Leaders.
DATE: Aug.05.2019 | CATEGORY: Humor/Wit