Limited-Time eBook Sale!

Straight from my mind to your screen—here’s a collection of my thoughts, from the heartfelt to the odd, and everything in between.

Mayor Peel Endorsement

I am encouraged by this show of brotherhood and willingness of our countries to work together at that time to defeat a very real evil. The story certainly highlights the importance and power of international partnerships and alliances between and among countries during war time. A lesson we don't need to forget... Learn More

DATE: Nov.07.2017 | CATEGORY:

SF Book Review – Project Zebra

It’s a thoroughly enjoyable read, representing an incredible wealth of research and work that has clearly gone into the writing process.  ere’s a sense of wonder and optimism that practically infuses the book.

DATE: Nov.07.2017 | CATEGORY:

Eurasia testimonial

His historic research, like peeling an onion enlightens us, chapter after chapter about the bonds that airmen forge that takes them forward in their missions of glory. Once again, Crisci triumphs in revealing the real aces of World War II.

DATE: Nov.07.2017 | CATEGORY:

American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation

M.G.Crisci has successfully highlighted a little-known by vital episode in World Warn II history--how the spirit of cooperation allowed Soviet soldiers to train under American guidance in North Carolina. Read full endorsementZebra-Endorsement-ARCCF

DATE: Nov.06.2017 | CATEGORY:

SOK – San Francisco Book Review

The story of Alfonso “Fonso” Gravanese has all the elements needed to be a classic tale of American crime, and it spins out from a master storyteller.

DATE: Sep.21.2017 | CATEGORY:

Vladimir Alenikov

I was really impressed by M.G. Crisci’s novel “Rise and fall of Mary Jackson Peale”. It’s extremely enter-taining and useful at the same time. Matt Crisci found the perfect combination of intriguing documentary facts and his own fictional imagination. It’s pretty rare when the writer can delicately combine these two el-ements in... Learn More

DATE: Sep.17.2015 | CATEGORY:

7 Days Alexander Sirotin

I got your Seven Days in Russia book. Thank you very much for caring about the Russian people! It is an amazing work! Beautiful! And, so easy to read!

DATE: Jan.21.2014 | CATEGORY:

Piggy – Dennis

Whew! I don't know how you were ever able to swim to the surface after dealing with the likes of Franklin, Nachman, Tothson, Edelberg and Krotsky. My mother had an expression,"If you like down with dogs you wake up with flees". It was meant for the girls in the family but it... Learn More

DATE: Jun.12.2013 | CATEGORY:

Call Sign – Ralpha

I just finished this book - I couldn't put it was superb...I think it should be made into a movie...

DATE: Jun.12.2013 | CATEGORY:

Call Sign – Dennis

I just finished reading “Call Sign, White Lily” and I take my hat off to you on marvelously and sensitively telling this story of an incredible young woman. I can see why you were so intrigued by Lilia and had to tell the story. I literally could not put the... Learn More

DATE: Jun.12.2013 | CATEGORY: