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Straight from my mind to your screen—here’s a collection of my thoughts, from the heartfelt to the odd, and everything in between.

One hell of a week at the United Nations!

Speaking before the United Nations Book Club about my efforts to do something that has never been done before by an American Author was a pretty cool experience. Naturally, since Call Sign, White Lily is about an amazing Russian female fighter pilot lost in time for 60 years, I thought the UN... Learn More

A most unusual endorsement from Dr. Yury Zaitsev

I may be one the greatest fans of the New York Times newspaper fans in the history of the world. Between print and digital subscriptions, I’ve been reading it every day since I was about 14 (and that’s a long, long time ago!). But, it seems every time I read a story... Learn More

DATE: Feb.15.2012 | CATEGORY: Archived