Truth in Ukraine ignored by the New York Times, et al!
The Saur-Grave monument is a part of a regional landscape park near Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine. During the World War II, the Germans took the hill then built bulk bunkers and fortifications, arranged in tiers. The Soviet army lost 23,238 soldiers retaking the hill. To commemorate a moment when the East regained their liberty, the memorial Saur-Grave memorial was built.
To get to the top of the mound you climbed a wide staircase with four pillars, and each of them is dedicated to a different kind of troop: tank troops, aircraft, artillery, and infantry. At the top proudly stood 36-meter soldier in a cape with a gun, and the Eternal Flame. Inside the structure was a room of military glory, displaying military maps, portraits of soldiers who took part in the storming, and photocopies of newspapers

Saur Grave, Eastern Ukraine, December 2013.
After all the senseless fighting between Ukrainian families and friends in the East vs West these past months, a senseless battle reminiscent of America’s Great Civil War, the East still cares to remember the Soviets who gave their lives to protect the East from being swallowed up by Hitler. Unfortunately, others care less. Below is that withering, decimated monument visited by thousands of East Ukrainians on Victory Day, May 9, 2015. It is a picture the New York Times will never publish, and Americans will never see.

Saur Grave, Eastern Ukraine, May 2015.
Does any more need to be said? Why does America not get to see this unfiltered version of the truth? By the way, I’m a proud American with no Russian or Ukrainian ancestry. I just happen to be a writer who was fortunate enough to visit the monument, and live with these kind, generous local people while writing the book, Call Sign, White Lily, which has forever changed my world view.
DATE: May.11.2015 | CATEGORY: Archived