The San Francisco Book Review calls my latest book, “A classic American crime story spun by a Master Storyteller”
How could an unassuming man with thick horn-rimmed glasses and rumpled suits outwit the Commodities Market and the New York Stock Exchange? How could a high school dropout orchestrate a $10 billion scandal — then disappear into thin air?
My new book, The Salad Oil King. An American Tale of Greed Gone Mad., takes you on an epic journey of deceit and deception.
Manhattan Book Review says “Crisci’s approachable style makes you picture what is happening as you meet an unforgettable cast of characters and circumstances that will leave you laughing or shaking your head, or both.” While San Francisco Book Review calls it, “A classic tale of American crime, told by a master storyteller.”
In 1927, a little boy named Fonso is taught to scam neighbors by his father. Fonso’s nefarious skills expand exponentially. He cleverly skims millions from Federal aid programs without a hiccup. Dark side hubris leads him to create his Mona Lisa, a financial scam so large that it is simply unimaginable. When the dust settles, brokerage houses go bankrupt, the commodity market shuts down, business alliances vanish, and friends either commit suicide or go mad. Ironically, JFK is assassinated and his story evades the headlines, to say nothing of the hundreds of millions that were never recovered.
DATE: Oct.07.2016 | CATEGORY: Archived