Fox TV audience learns critically-acclaimed author M.G. Crisci, believes his life began at 60.
M.G.Crisci interviewed on popular Fox-TV morning show in the Midwest.
Crisci discusses his transition from a successful international business career— elected to Who’s Who in the World 23 times – to the author of 12 books based on real stories that cross multiple genres.
“When I retired from managing major advertising agencies around the world, I realized my life is rich with experiences,” said Crisci. “So, I decided to write for an audience of one, as Edward Albee suggested. It’s 15 years later, and, to my pleasant surprise, we are among the top 3 percent of Amazon’s 1.8 million authors.”
Crisci’s latest book, his 13th, entitled Still Standing. One Woman’s Struggle with depression, divorce, and suicide, will be released in April.
New Day Cleveland, which airs on Fox-TV 8, is metro Cleveland’s most-watched daily morning show.
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DATE: Dec.17.2019 | CATEGORY: | COMMENTS: 0