Two respected Americans meet with rising-star Russian diplomat in D.C.
(l-r) General Peter Zwack (Retired, Defense U.S. Attaché, Moscow; M.G. Crisci, Best-Selling American Author & Cultural Activist; Oleg Zhiganov, First Secretary, Russian Embassy, Washington D.C.
The greatest victories sometimes come in the darkest moments according to three professionally accomplished men–two American, one Russian–from different career disciplines, at a first-of-its-kind meeting at the Russian Cultural Centre in Washington D.C.
“It’s pretty simple, yet immensely complex. We believe the world could be an better place for all, if the two former allies, now at odds,
used their assets collectively and positively,” said recently retired General Peter Zwack; best-selling author and cultural activist, M.G.
Crisci; and First Secretary Oleg Zhiganov, recently appointed Director of the Russian Cultural Centre in Washington D.C., and one of
the Russian Federation’s bright new diplomatic faces.
DATE: Feb.23.2015 | CATEGORY: | COMMENTS: 0