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M.G. Crisci, receives Defense Attaché Medal at the US Embassy, Moscow, for American-Russian cross cultural accomplishments.

Two-sided United States Defense Attaché Medal.

(MOSCOW, October) How does the son of Italian American immigrants wind up receiving the Defense Attaché Medal of accomplishment at the United States Embassy in Moscow?

First, he addresses a number of influential Russian-American groups in Washington D.C., at the United Nations and in New York City about his transformation from a successful businessman to the passionate best-selling author of two critically-acclaimed books about the hopes, dreams and wishes of ordinary Russians during the dark days of the Great Patriotic War, and within today’s brighter post-perestroika social democracy.

He then travels to Moscow to discuss his journey of self-discovery first at the United States Embassy, and then repeats this discussion a day later at the American Center of Democracy on the other side of Moscow.

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DATE: Nov.25.2013 | CATEGORY: | COMMENTS: 0