“ I hope Americans will one day understand things may not be as they appear, particularly when it comes to long-held Russian stereotypes.” - Sergei M., Tour Guide
7 Days in Russia
For as long as I can remember, this kid from Manhattan--with absolutely no Russian ancestry-- was told, "Russians are all spies," "Russians can't be trusted," "the problem is the Russian Government, the people are okay."
As a skeptical New Yorker, I've come to believe only what I see, not what I'm told. So decided to take my photojournalistic skills on an unescorted seven-day trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg, arguably the historical and cultural heart and soul of Russia.
Despite what we've all been lead to believe--and at the risk of the FBI calling me a dual agent--Russia IS NOT a politically-repressed country of disgruntled people surviving on a daily diet of vodka and potatoes.
Russians are a proud, engaging, curious people, working their way through a complex cultural and economic transition. But don't take my word for it! Check it out for yourself. 7 Days in Russia contains 150+ surprising color photographs and uncensored comments from tons of ordinary Russian citizens and government officials.
A mysterious country’s misunderstood mysteries demystified. Must read for anyone who wants to better understand Russia today.
- Radio Free Europe Foundation
Manhattan-born photojournalist with no Russian ancestry takes an entertaining and surprisingly candid journey to heart and soul of the New Russian Federation.
- Voice of America
Like a travel review from a friend filled with self-effacing Russians who make you feel like you’ve picked up a few new friends along the way.
- CFBS, Quebec, Canada